Friday, December 25

school is cool

haha, yeke sekolah best
act saje je gatal nak tekan 'new post'
tapi takde bende nak tulis
and, nobody will read this kan.haha

and, not forgetting,
miss you friendss ;*

Wednesday, December 23

the princess :D

duhh, clock is ticking, time is running and school is waiting. sooo lazyyy :/ , but buddies, miss you guys soooo muchhh!! :*

hmmm, out of blue thinking of the dearest wonderful hostel. yeaahhh, that 'blok zaty akhtar aziz' andddd whats the name of the other one? okay, our port is, of course biruni 3 where SAJIDAH owns a bed there. near the wall. bila masuk katil first on the right side. dekat biruni 3, theres always be noise made by the dorm memberss, especially form4 (thn dpn f5). lagi lagi iylia. muka macam pendiam tapi nyanyii je. tapi kan, her voice, very the lovelyyy ;)

banyak lagu iylia suka. and dia hafal the whole lyrics! vid clips pun ingat. lagu kat radio biasa la kan. tapi dia suka jugak lagu BARBIE. she got the collections of barbie movies dvd at home. barbie movies kan banyak lagu. yang boleh sing along tu. ada lirik kat bwh. bes kan. dreams to be a princess. lawa pulak tu. slimm jeeeee. tapi, dalam banyak banyak tu iylia often sings these.

all the books i've read
all the poems always said
that a heart is made to share
joys not found in things such as necklaces and rings
but in love that's always there
that's the jewel beyond compare
-barbie as the island princess-

Sun goes down, and we are here together
Fireflies, glow like a thousand
Stay with me, and you can dream forever
Right here in my
It’s magic, when you are here beside me
Close your eyes, and let me
hold you tight
Everything, that i could ever need
Is right here in my
-barbie as the island princess-

haha. ada lagi banyaak lagu barbie. when others wish their friend's birthday, theyll sing the ordinary birthday song. but we're different. haha. special jeee ;)
err, sorry for this whatever post. siapa entah tulis.

can't wait to meet you guyss(!)
muaaahhh :*

Sunday, December 20

problem solving ;)

okay friends, this is our problem

no study = fail

study = no fail

how to solve,

study + no study = fail + no fail

(1+no) study = (1+no) fail


study = fail

we can conclude that, we will fail when we study. haha. no study no fail wehhh :D

kan best kalau cuti-cuti ni takde homeworkss. actually, what shown here is mathematical equation can't be used for everything. boo math(!). only for numbers and several letters as unknowns. err, and we got to study and study to get away from failure.

tengok bunga ni. even kat tanah kering pun dia struggle nak hidup. huuu, struggle for life, beb! bunga pun berusaha. takkan kita sebagai manusia makhluk yang paling mulia ni tak nak struggle kan. okay fellas! semoga berjaya :D

Thursday, December 17


quote for today :


-Albert Einstein-

dreams come true

actually kan, blog ni dah lama kami impikan. mula-mula,
angan-angan nak buat myspace. cehh. tapi nk tunggu sher buat account dia dulu.
tapi tak buat-buat pun. then a good friend of her, aida (konon) nk tlg buatkan
lah, apa lah. tetap menjadi angan-angan. kemalasan berganda kot aida tuhh.

the myspace account were never exist

then ada la sekali tu masa cuti, fatin sarah nak jugak buat account geng, lalu menyuruh the helpful aida to do that. aida dengan rela hatinya buat la account yahoo.

fatin sarah pun, begitu gembira lalu buat blog. haha. tengok lah sampai sekarang, berapa banyak je post yg ada. ahli-ahli lain pun, tak boleh harap. haha. *i know they wont read this. bukak pun tak pernah* .hmm, sajidah pulak, baca blog orang rajin. suruh tulis kat blog ni tak mau. suka hati la. fatin, gelak jeeee. iylia and amierah, email pun tak tau kot. nvm lah, kita share blog ni sama-sama kan. haha. cop! blog ni, ahli pun tak baca, orang lain mesti lah lagi tak baca kan.haha. macam bodoh jee tulis blog cam ni. tak pelah. asal bahagia.haha. bodo la. followers, habuk pun takde.

once fatin said she wanted to promote this blog. haha. tipuu lah.

okay, cuti pun dah nak habis. homeworks were never been touched, even once. angan-angan lagi. eh eh, dengar cite amierah tusyen sama paan. takdelah, writer ni bukan apa kan, dengar je orang kata. takpelah. kita sama-sama doakan kejayaan dorang. haha. bajet ruangan gosip bersama whatever je, yang kat dalam paper tu.

sekarang ni, harap sherry akan berjaya buat account dia, satu hari nanti. senang sket contact. guna fon pakai duit. lagipun, gosip lagi cepat guna internet ni. ceh, gosip di hujung cop cop. taknak la myspace. nonsense je. menyampah dah. kita skrg facebook laaa, kan?

kalau sher tau ada gmbr dia nih, sumpah mengamuk. haha.

okay, enough. cukup-cukup la mengarut. bukan ada orang baca pun --'

friends till the end

Okay, these are us. We were friends since the day we enter
the semashur, until today, and of course, as usual, FOREVER. And we really mean it.

from left: iylia, sajidah, aida, amierah, sherry and sarah

*absent : amierah and iylia

errr, there are not much to write.

here is a picture found at yahoo image. useful tips kot.

haha. remember okayy. try to be a good friend as possible.
sorry for this never-know-how-to-write-well post.